- Malgireddy, M., Nwogu, I. and
Govindaraju V. Language-Motivated Approaches to Action
Recognition; Journal
of Machine Learning Research: JMLR 2013
- Zhou, Y., Nwogu, I. and
Govindaraju V. Labeling Spain with Stanford;
Transactions of Image Processing: TIP 2013
- Nwogu, I., Zhou Y.,
and Brown C. Describing Images using Scene
Contexts and Objects; Association
for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference:
AAAI 2011
- Bhaskaran, N., Nwogu, I., Frank,
M.G., and Govindaraju, V. Lie to Me:
Deceit detection via online behavioral learning; IEEE Conference on Automatic
Face and Gesture: FG 2011
- Malgireddy, M., Nwogu, I., Ghosh,
S., Govindaraju, V. A Shared
Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture Analysis. International
Workshop on Combinatorial Image
Analysis: IWCIA 2011
- Zhou, Y., Nwogu, I.,
Govindaraju, V. Generating Visual Content from
Images via Segmentation; International
Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA 2011
- Bhaskaran, N., Nwogu, I., Frank,
M.G. and Govindaraju, V. Deceit
Detection via Online Behavioral Learning; ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing: SAC 2011
- Nwogu, I., Frank,
M., and Govindaraju V. Automated Deceit Detection;
Society for Optical Engineering, Biometrics conference:
SPIE Biometrics 2010
- Nwogu, I. and Brown
C. Syntactic Image Parsing using Ontology and
Semantic Descriptions; Workshop
on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: POCV 2010
- Nwogu, I., Frank, M.
and Govindaraju V. Automated Deceit Detection;
Society for Optical Engineering, Biometrics conference:
SPIE Biometrics 2009
- Nwogu, I. and Corso
J.J. Beyond Pairwise Belief Propagation; Labeling
by approximating Kikuchi free energies. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition conference: CVPR
- Nwogu, I. and Corso
J.J. Exploratory Identification of Image-Based
Biomarkers for Solid Mass Pulmonary Tumors; Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention:
- Nwogu, I. and Corso
J.J. Labeling Irregular Graphs using Pairwise-MRF
Belief Propagation. International Workshop on Combinatorial Image
Analysis: IWCIA 2008
- Nwogu, I. and
Chaudhary V. Enhancing Regional Lymph Nodes from
Endoscopic Ultrasound Images. SPIE
Medical Imaging Conference : SPIE MI 2008
- Nwogu, I. and Lorigo
L.M. Fast Temporal Tracking and 3D
Reconstruction of a Single Coronary Vessel. International Conference for
Image Processing : ICIP 2007
- Nwogu, I. and
Govindaraju V. PDE-based Enhancement of Low Quality
Documents. International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition: ICDAR 2007
- Nwogu, I., Lorigo
L.M. and Hoffmann K. Fast Tracking of X-ray
Coronary Vessels MICCAI Workshop
on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging:
- Nwogu, I. and Kim G.
Word Separation of Unconstrained Handwritten
Text Lines in PCR Forms International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition: ICDAR
Technical Report
- Nwogu, I., Corso
J.J. and Bittner T. A Machine-Realizable Ontology of
the Human Anatomy: Applied
to the Thorax