Ifeoma Nwogu
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Fall 2014
CSE 473/573: |
Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP)
URL: |
http://www.cubs.buffalo.edu/~inwogu/teaching/Coursepage573_fa14/ |
Description: |
course will cover the fundamental topics in computer vision with a
focus on learning and inference in probabilistic models as the
unifying theme. The course will examine how to use training data to
learn the relationships between observed image data and important
computer vision problems that we wish to explore, such as the 3D
structure reconstruction, object class estimation, etc., showing how to
make new inferences about the world from new image data. |
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Spring 2014
CSE 712: |
Meta Machine Learning (co-taught with Dr. Venu Govindaraju)
URL: |
http://www.cubs.buffalo.edu/govind/cse712_2013.php |
Description: |
This seminar will examine the foundations of the next generation of
domain agnostic ML techniques which will be able to encapsulate "a
priori" knowledge of ML successes across domains, using documents
analytics. The goal is to intelligently examine the contents of already
existing ML methods reported in the literature to faciliate the
complex alchemy involved in using/selecting ML techniques given a
certain datasets or suject areas. Specific topics covered in the course
will involve information ontology, topic modeling and probabilistic
programming. |
| biography
| research
| publications | teaching | personal